Events like the drawing of the lottery numbers, interfere with whatever you do last before they are triggered. In the last version, the Computer Book for Dummies seems to have been buggy, as it did not advance time until the second read. I spent an entire day in her office twice without her showing up (Thank goodness for Save games! -)) Sarah seems not to be able to be found in the University building after it becomes accessible after the Gala. The texts are empty except the time stamp and I have no options to send texts of my own (which could be by design of course, but certainly not the spam). After the Gala event and going all the way with Natalie, I get text messages from her every hour or so, going back all the way back to the start of the game. I had the first "Kitchen" event scene with Noelle at 9 pm, but nothing since then, even after 10 days ingame time trying to get the teasing scenes (with LOADS of reloads -)). Texts (sms) seem not to have any effect on privacy at all. Still when I try to go for the "deep massage" I loose 2 points everytime, even though the event itself plays out ok all the way to her orgasm. I am at 500 relationship with Sarah and already have sex with her all the way. Maybe you did tweak the numbers there but still have some triggers on the old ones? But I CAN send her sextings (sms de cul) with her reacting positively. But I still get the "bad reaction" pop up and the loss of relationship points.

When I talk "sexy" with her I get the line: "You feel you can talk frankly about ass with Noelle." which would also roughly be the same as with the old version when you could talk about sex/cul with her around 330. I am currently on 341 Privacy with Noelle. I will adress them further down thogh as it might be a good idea to slightly redesign those points for a better and smoother game experience. I say possible, because a few things that struck me as bugs worked themselfes out during longer play. In the second layer of the texting menue, "sms" is used instead of "text" which could confuse our american friends (eg.

window, the Date is given in the form of "We are the Monday " "It is Monday." would be the better choice. Generally: It would make sense to change "sexy" and "cul" in the english language version to "flirty" (instead of the sexy used now) and "sexy" (instead of cul) to make things clearer (for exaple when choosing talk topics or kinds of texts to send). "Did you put on underwear this morning?" would be better. The "sexy" text message to Noelle says: "So you put underwear this morning?" which is not perfect. Same goes for the player "SMS of ass" to Noelle: "You make me a crazy effect as always " again ""You make me crazy hot as always" would be better. "You always make me so hot" would probably be better. The text of the "SMS of ass" (Literal translation that makes no sense in english, see below what I say about "sexy" and "cul") to Sarah says: " You always make me such an effect!" Which makes not much sense either. In the Settings Menu, "small" is still called "petite" in the english version "Mrs La Vendeuse de jerseys" is not translated "Pretty pretty" in the description of Noelle (first line) and Sarah (third line) is not quite clear "Cul" - Not an english word, and the literal translation "ass" is not used in the same way as in french (rather the contrary even if I think about it.) Again, one can infer the meaning, but changing it to "sex" would make things easier "Privacy" is perfectly understandable, but "Intimacy" would be a better choice to convey what that stat really is from the beginning I put those first as I will refer to some of these during the other stuff I wanted to comment on, so I got them out of my system -) (Note I checked those issues with your newest version and they are still there, but you did a good job fixing a lot of other stuff, good job!) Still I found a few points you might want to look into. VERY nice to see you back working on the game, I loved the RAGS iteration and so far was quite happy with the QSP conversion.